Resource Overview


A company represents a business or individual that you do business and can be a vendor or customer (or both when linked manually to your ledger via the Routable dashboard).

To send a payable or receivable, you must first create a company.


Companies have contacts that can be the recipients of emails related to the business. Examples of when a contact might receive an email include:

  • Receiving an invitation to submit their company and banking information.
  • Receiving a notification that they've been paid.

To make it easier to work with our APIs, we have default_contact_* fields that specify which contacts will receive what types of notifications.

Payment Methods

Companies have Payment Methods that are used when sending payables. Please note that there are two different types of payment methods: address and bank.

ACH PayableCheck Payable


A payable is a payment from you to another company.

With Routable, you can send a payment immediately via check or ACH or schedule it to be sent on a future date.

You can specify the bank account or address to send to, or you can have your vendor go through your branded flow and submit it themselves.

You can even mark a payment as paid externally and use Routable as the bridge between you and your accounting software.


In settings, you can find objects related to your company's account and configuration with Routable.


Accounts are connections that can be used for receiving and/or sending money.

  • When sending payables, you will typically use an account of type=bank.
  • When sending a payable Next Day or Same Day, you must use an account of type=balance.

Team Members

Team members are members of your account on routable. Team Member IDs are commonly referenced as the acting_team_member field when making requests so we can attribute actions in the dashboard to specific team members and include avatars in outgoing email communications.