Re-Invite a Company

After inviting a company for the first time, you may send a new invite to update information:

  • Updating the payment method on file
  • Updating tax information

This can be done in one of two ways: via email or via an embedded link.

To send the invitation via email, set the send_invite_email parameter to true.
Note that if both request_payment_method and request_tax_form are selected, the company will receive one email for each request.
The recipients of the email will be based on the Company's Contacts and their default_contact_for_company_management value:

  • When actionable, the contact will receive an email with a clickable link that allows them to submit information.
  • When read_only, the contact will only be notified of the invitation.
  • When none, the contact will not receive an email notification.

To use the embedded link flow, use the get_links parameter with a value of true.
Note that when using get_links: true, each contact will have their own invitation URL, for each of the requests selected.
You may also specify a confirmation_redirect_url to route the user to after completion of the Routable onboarding flow.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!