Xero Sandbox Setup

A Xero Sandbox account will help you test Routable Sandbox in a secure fashion that does not affect your real books, or move real funds.

Xero has their own help article here: https://central.xero.com/s/article/Use-the-demo-company

First, create a Xero account

  1. Go to: https://www.xero.com/us/signup

  2. Fill in your information...

  1. You will be asked to verify your email address and create a password...

  1. After doing that instead of setting up a new company be sure to select "Try the Demo Company"...


No demo option?

Try using this link

  1. You are in! You can now connect this Demo Company to the Routable Sandbox.


28 days later...

Xero demo companies expire after 28 days and will require a manual process on both Xero and Routable to re-create a new instance. If you run into this issue please don't hesitate to contact us.

If your demo company expires, try using this link to re-create it.