Xero Sandbox Setup
A Xero Sandbox account will help you test Routable Sandbox in a secure fashion that does not affect your real books, or move real funds.
Xero has their own help article here: https://central.xero.com/s/article/Use-the-demo-company
First, create a Xero account
Fill in your information...
- You will be asked to verify your email address and create a password...
- After doing that instead of setting up a new company be sure to select "Try the Demo Company"...
No demo option?
Try using this link
- You are in! You can now connect this Demo Company to the Routable Sandbox.
28 days later...
Xero demo companies expire after 28 days and will require a manual process on both Xero and Routable to re-create a new instance. If you run into this issue please don't hesitate to contact us.
If your demo company expires, try using this link to re-create it.
Updated 3 months ago