International Payments


Want to try international payments?

If you'd like access to create international payments, please contact your Routable Customer Success Manager. They will also be able to assist you with any questions you may have.

International Payments

Routable supports Payables made from companies in the United States to vendors in over 200 countries and territories. We do not currently support international Receivables.

Creating an International Vendor

To create an international Vendor, use the Create a Company endpoint and provide a country_code. The country_code value must not match your own company's country, as vendors in the same country as your company should be treated as domestic vendors rather than international ones.

Once the vendor is created, you can use Routable's Invite a Company workflow to allow the recipient to populate various details concerning their address and funding account using our pre-built form. The data required contains a variety of different fields and formats depending on the recipient's country. If you'd rather collect this information yourself, you can do so using the Create a Payment Method workflow.


A word about country codes and currency codes

Routable uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes and ISO 4217 currency codes in all of its APIs.

Sending International Payments

International payments are created using the Create a Payable endpoint. Payables of this type have a type of international and require a currency_code that corresponds with the receiver's country (see below). Note also that international bank transfer payments MUST use a delivery_method of international_ach or international_swift.

    "type": "international",
    "acting_team_member": "d373f767-1ef2-413d-9a57-f470d637671c",
    "amount": "52.30",
    "delivery_method": "international_ach",
    "withdraw_from_account": "2a8fe155-512e-4634-bd4a-710f3a1385ae",
    "currency_code": "GBP",
    "line_items": [
            "amount": "52.30",
            "description": "Truck signs",
            "quantity": "1",
            "style": "item",
            "unit_price": "52.30"
    "pay_to_company": "c1cba353-1de6-4386-bcfb-31a45857cdb7",
    "pay_to_payment_method": "e08864e0-a01b-40c7-bfab-117c044ecdde",
    "send_on": null

Once this call completes, the Vendor will receive an email with instructions on how to accept the payment using another of Routable's pre-built external flows.

Understanding SWIFT fees

When using the international_swift delivery option, fees are incurred from the SWIFT network. Routable users have the option to pay this entire fee themselves, or split it with their vendors, using the swift_charge_option request field. Passing our (the default) will charge the full fee to you, and passing sha will cause the fee to be shared with the vendor.

You can use our fee calculator endpoint to see the impact of these options on your total charges.


Only use this option when making international_swift Payables, as the SWIFT fee does not apply to international_ach transactions.

Learn more about these fees in our Routable Help Center.

Countries and currencies currently supported by Routable

Routable supports sending to some countries in their native currencies and to some in US dollars. Additionally, different delivery methods (local bank transfer vs. SWIFT) are supported in different countries, and some countries have different requirements for international PaymentMethods and recipient Companies and Contacts.

See the Supported Countries and Territories Explorer for a complete inventory of the payment methods, delivery options, and currencies we support for those countries. The explorer will also show you any additional required data to send a Payable to the selected country or territory. Routable continues to add support for new currencies and new delivery methods to our platform, so check back often!


Need a hand?

Reach out to our Developer Experience team at [email protected] with any questions you may have!